Category Archives: Bibliography By Type

I started what has become a 40-year career while a student at Brigham Young University — both as a student co-publishing/co-editing/co-authoring a conservative student newspaper, The Western Scholar, while working full-time doing quantitative real estate research. The following “posts” within this unique “page” comprise much of the work in my career.

My New Book

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News Articles and Op-Eds

Harvard Kennedy School of Government, May 25, 2018, “Negotiating a Coalition of the Willing: Curt Bramble and the Utah Immigration Fight,” HKS Case 2127.0 (Winig/John F. Kennedy School of Government)

The Washington Post, Friday, March 11, 2011, “Immigration reform, the ‘Utah Way’” (Hockstader)

Salt Lake Tribune, Sunday, March 1, 2009, “Mero’s No Common Ground Initiative” (Walsh)

The Herald, Tuesday, August 2, 1983, “BYU newspaper will focus on conservative challenges” (Caras/Ross) read more

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Personal Writings/Creations

“How the contenders stack up,” a comparison chart of institutions thought of the “fundamental unit of society, designed for “The Natural Family: A Manifesto” book, published by Sutherland Institute, 2006.

The Natural Family: A Manifesto, special edition, jointly published by The Howard Center and Sutherland Institute, 2005 (Carlson/Mero).

“Back seat drivers henpeck current belt debate,” most likely a draft submitted unsuccessfully as an op-ed, no date.

“Potheads make bad laws,” original draft of placed op-ed, attached to a lengthy email response thanking me for the op-ed, April 12, 2018, response by Michael Jones. read more

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Writings on behalf of Employers

“Saving Education & Ourselves: The Moral Case of Self-Reliance in Education,” Sutherland Institute, March 2003.

“Neighbors in Need: A New Approach to Compassionate Poverty Relief,” Sutherland Institute, May 2002.

“How Congress Supports and Funds Organized Homosexuality,” American Priorities, 1994.

“How Congress Supports and Funds Organized Homosexuality,” Congressman Robert K. Dornan, July 1995.

“First Freedoms Compact,” Sutherland Institute’s campaign, launched October 8, 2013. read more

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Books Authored

Defeated: A Latter-day Saint’s Witness and Warning from 40 Years Inside the Modern American Culture War, Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, September 2024.

Unworthy: An Autobiography of the Imposter, Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, October 2018.

The Natural Family: A Manifesto, Spence Publishing Company, 2007.

Exceptional Utah: Leading America in Faith, Family, and Freedom, Sutherland Institute, 2013.

Preserving Sacred Ground: A Responsible Citizen’s Approach to Same-Sex Politics, edited by Stanley D. Rasmussen, Sutherland Institute, 2009. read more

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Mentions in Books

“Lesbians, Gay Men, and the Law,” edited by William B. Rubenstein, The New Press, NY, 1993.

“There Goes the Neighborhood: How Communities Overcome Prejudice and Meet the Challenge of American Immigration,” by Ali Noorani, Prometheus Books, 2007.

“Kiss and Tell: Surveying Sex in the Twentieth Century,” by Julia A. Ericksen with Sally A. Steffen, Harvard University Press, 1999.

“Quiverfull: Inside the Christian Patriarchy Movement,” by Kathryn Joyce, Beacon Press, 2009.

“The New Know-Nothings: The Political Foes of the Scientific Study of Human Nature,” by Morton Hunt, Transaction Publishers, 1999. read more

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Letters from LDS Church Leaders

(Mostly “thank you’s” and well-wishes)

Dallin H. Oaks, December 17, 2014.

Notes from Solemn Assembly, June 17, 1984.

The First Presidency, June 14, 2007 (Carlson).

Merrill J. Bateman, November 14, 2006.

Boyd K. Packer, June 20, 2006.

Russell M. Nelson, March 24, 2011.

Neil L. Andersen, January 27, 2010.

The First Presidency, January 14, 2010.

Jeffrey R. Holland, January 8, 2010.

The First Presidency, March 16, 2009.

The Relief Society General Presidency, June 4, 2008.

Jeffrey R. Holland, June 15, 2007 (Carlson); cc’d Dallin H. Oaks and Bruce C. Hafen. read more

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Meaningful Letters from Influential People

(Mostly expressions of kindness, praising my work, and well wishes)

Adam Meyerson, editor, Policy Review, July 10, 1995.

Governor Gary Herbert, December 9, 2014.

Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI), Edward N. Peters, August 18, 1982.

Carnegie Corporation of New York, Geri Mannion, December 30, 2014.

Congressman Robert K. and Sallie Dornan, Christmas, 2004.

Allan C. Carlson, handwritten note, circa the 2000s.

Richard B. Wirthlin, October 20, 2003.

David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies, Jeff Ringer, November 21, 2002. read more

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Congressional Record

(PTM authored and/or directed legislative processes)

“CBS This Morning with Kathleen Sullivan,” Tuesday, February 6, 1990, Extension Of Remarks, (WED).

“Dornan to Announce Presidential Bid,” Thursday, April 6, 1995, Special Order, (RKD). (Note: More than half of RKD’s remarks were extemporaneous; difficult to keep him on a script.)

“A Real Conservative Position on the Persian Gulf,” Saturday, January 12, 1991, Extension of Remarks, (Mero) (Note: WED graciously submitted my remarks, in my name.) read more

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Requested Input and Instructions, Post-Congress

“School Prayer Motion and Amendment,” February 19, 1994, request to walk Jim Coon through floor processes for his boss (Mero)

“Procedure Regarding Prayer Amendment to Goals 2000,” March 16, 1994, and March 18, 1994, memos to Shannon Davis on behalf of Congressman Sam Johnson to help the congressman pass a prayer amendment to the Goals 2000 bill. (Mero)

“The Freedom of Speech Act of 1997,” introduced by Senator Jesse Helms, requested my assistance from Michele Lynn DeKonty, February 10, 1997. (Mero) read more

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