Monthly Archives: February 2016

Trump is Really Nothing

The political success of Donald Trump is not surprising. His formula for success is rather simple: Tell everyone how bad things are and assure everyone he is the answer. Use his celebrity. Use his billions. Use his “you’re fired” tough talk. And Trump has his finger on the pulse of modern America. He’s right that America is fractured, culturally and economically, after two terms of Obama. He’s right that federal debt is nearly insurmountable at this point and America has lost its stature overseas. But those observations are not unique to Mr. Trump. A blind man could see the problems. read more

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The real reason Trump will destroy the GOP

Donald Trump’s race to the White House already has made political history inside the Republican Party. The hand-wringing by GOP insiders could start a fire were it not for their sweating palms. Many conservative activists inside the party see Trump otherwise — a refreshing voice of no-nonsense, Everyman practicality. Often seen as the fulcrum on which the GOP teeters between establishment and grass-roots camps, the real tension inside the party from Trump’s candidacy is not about the man. The tension is about the vision of America he represents. read more

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The Abuses of Patriotism

In 1990, attorney and author Mike Godwin introduced the world to Godwin’s law (now, apparently, an official part of the Oxford English Dictionary). Raised initially as a clever rhetorical instrument to hedge arguments against absurdity, Godwin’s law is boiled down to the inappropriate use of any comparison between anyone and Adolf Hitler. Just last December, Godwin raised the point again because of the hullabaloo over Donald Trump – yes, he might feel like Adolf Hitler sometimes when he speaks but, let’s remember, the real Hitler killed millions upon millions of innocent people. Trump hasn’t done that. Yet. read more

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