“Saving Education & Ourselves: The Moral Case of Self-Reliance in Education,” Sutherland Institute, March 2003.
“Neighbors in Need: A New Approach to Compassionate Poverty Relief,” Sutherland Institute, May 2002.
“How Congress Supports and Funds Organized Homosexuality,” American Priorities, 1994.
“How Congress Supports and Funds Organized Homosexuality,” Congressman Robert K. Dornan, July 1995.
“First Freedoms Compact,” Sutherland Institute’s FairToAll.org campaign, launched October 8, 2013.
“Attacks on First Freedoms: Conflicts Between Religious Liberty & Proposed Employment and Housing Laws & Legal Recognition of Same-Sex Unions,” Sutherland Institute’s FairToAll.org campaign, launched October 8, 2013.
“Prospectus 99,” The Howard Center for Family, Religion, and Society, 1999.
“Right where Utah needs us to be,” Report to the Public FY 07-08, Sutherland Institute, 2008.
“Latter-day Saints and Self-Reliance in Education,” paper prepared and presented for the annual conference of the Alliance for the Separation of School and State, November 20-22, 2004.
“Vouchers, Vows, and Vexations: The Historical Dilemma over Utah’s Education Identity,” Sutherland Institute, 2007.
“Political Extremism in Utah,” keynote breakfast address, July 2004 Session, Sutherland Institute Transcend Series, July 15, 2004.
“Leadership in Action Prospectus 1998,” The Howard Center for Family, Religion & Society, 1998.
“Howard Center Update: A Year of Changes, Challenges, and Influence,” Year-End 1998.
“Sutherland Institute Annual Report,” the Fiscal Year 2006-2007, 2007.
“Report from Warsaw,” World Congress of Families IV, May 11-13, 2007.
“Government Report Card,” Christian Action Network, 1994.
“The Suppression of Virtue,” for Congressman Robert K. Dornan, Chronicles magazine, August 1995.
“Preserve, Protect, and Defend: Constitutional Principles I Promise to Uphold,” for Congressman Robert K. Dornan, Policy Review: The Journal of American Citizenship (published by The Heritage Foundation), January/February 1996.
“My Guy: Why My Presidential Candidate is Mr. Right,” for Congressman William E. Dannemeyer on behalf of Congressman Robert K. Dornan, Policy Review Number 73 (published by The Heritage Foundation), Summer 1995.
“1984 Real Estate Expectations Survey,” The Center for Real Estate Research, a division of The Allen Group, Inc., 1984.
“The Orlando Investment Index and Market Survey,” The Center for Real Estate Research, a division of The Allen Group, Inc., 1985.
“World Congress of Families II: Registration Packet,” Geneva, Switzerland, November 14-17, 1999.
“The Last Word: 50 Talking Points Favoring the Current Ban of Homosexuals in the Military,” for the Christian Action Network, 1993.
“Reversing America’s Cultural Meltdown,” a draft speech for Congressman Robert K. Dornan announcing his candidacy for POTUS, Exeter, New Hampshire, 1995.
“Dornan for President: A Philosophical Understanding,” a draft speech for Congressman Robert K. Dornan, 1995.
“Governor William Weld’s Manly Agenda: Empower Queer Nation,” for Martin Mawyer, president of Christian Action Network, Chronicles magazine, February 1994.
“Speech Before the American Family Association,” for Congressman William E. Dannemeyer, Memphis, Tennessee, March 16, 1990.
“Speech Before the National Ocean Industries Association,” for Congressman William E. Dannemeyer, San Francisco, California, November 11, 1989.
“If Gorbachev is so nice, why does he have a map of Afghanistan tattooed on his forehead,” a “one-minute” congressional floor remarks, for Congressman William E. Dannemeyer, circa 1990. (The only remarks written for him that he would not use…”I refuse to make fun of a man’s personal afflictions.”)
“Speech Before the Traditional Values Coalition Conference on Reparative Therapy and Public Policy,” for Congressman William E. Dannemeyer, Washington, D.C., January 26, 1990. (Capitol Hill Police swept the hotel ballroom for bombs before allowing the congressman to speak after receiving death threats for gay activists.)
“Speech Before the Concerned Citizens of Calvary Chapel,” for Congressman William E. Dannemeyer, Costa Mesa, California, October 21, 1989.
“When Government Funds the Arts: A Response to John Frohnmayer,” for Congressman William E. Dannemeyer, The Kansas Journal of Law & Public Policy, volume 2 number 1, spring 1992.
“A Silver Lining in the Dark Cloud of War,” for Congressman Bill Dannemeyer’s Washington Report, constituent newsletter, Spring 1991.
“Choices in Health Insurance: A Free Market Approach to a Growing National Problem,” for Congressman Bill Dannemeyer’s Washington Report, constituent newsletter, Spring 1990.
“Is the Americans with Disabilities Act Another Catastrophic Act?,” for Congressman Bill Dannemeyer’s Washington Report, constituent newsletter, Fall 1989.
“39th District Seniors Cry Foul Over New Tax for Catastrophic Care,” for Congressman Bill Dannemeyer’s Washington Report, constituent newsletter, Spring 1989.
“Once Again, America Betrays Its Friends,” for Congressman Bill Dannemeyer’s Washington Report, constituent newsletter, Winter 1988.
“HIV Infection Does Not Warrant Anti-Discrimination Laws,” for Congressman Bill Dannemeyer’s Washington Report, constituent newsletter, Summer 1988.
“The House of Ill-Repute Revisited,” for Congressman Bill Dannemeyer’s Washington Report, constituent newsletter, Spring 1988.
“Time for a Tax Revolt,” for Congressman Bill Dannemeyer’s Washington Report, constituent newsletter, Summer 1991.
“Traditional America’s Last Stand,” for Congressman Bill Dannemeyer’s Washington Report, constituent newsletter, Fall 1992.
“Every bill is a ‘Message’ Bill,” for Sutherland Institute, April 7, 2004.
“Perspectives: Overheard,” for Congressman William E. Dannemeyer, quoted in Newsweek magazine, July 9, 1990.