Category Archives: Editorial Commentaries

The difference between a leader and a manager

Billionaire T. Boone Pickens is weighing in on the presidential race in a profound way, calling for a “bipartisan screening committee that vets presidential candidates like we do anyone else applying for a job and recommends the best candidates possible.” Mr. Pickens has never flirted with running for president himself, but he has been known to influence the outcome in previous elections.

Perhaps he sees the success of his fellow billionaire Donald Trump as a threat to the process. When Mr. Trump was asked how he proposed to register Muslims in the United States, citizen and non-citizen alike, in a national database to track their every move, his response was “effective management.” We can surmise this also is his answer for how he foresees rounding up and herding millions of people across the Mexican border. read more

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The state of the freedom movement in Utah

Constant introspection is healthy and politics seem to find ways to systemically avoid it or, worse, always project the bright side (usually the obligatorily optimistic side) of things. So, I ask, for all of the time and money spent to protect the cause of freedom in Utah, what do we have to show for it?

My educated guess is that freedom in Utah would be about where it is today even if groups like Strata Policy, Libertas Institute, Utah Taxpayers, Americans for Prosperity, Eagle Forum, Parents for Choice in Education and Sutherland Institute never existed. That guess is not (completely) a knock on the people involved. It’s a knock on their lack of collective vision and effective strategies. read more

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Time for change inside the Utah Republican Party

The URP is in a spiral. It’s circling the drain – even if only in character. But the decline is hard to see when the behemoth is so big it blocks the view of everything else. Folks, the URP is not too big to fail. And it will fail if this feeding frenzy/purge/Inquisition/“due diligence” continues. When most of your time is spent defending the faith, not sharing the gospel, you know your effort is in decline.

Utah Republicans need to serve their own longstanding political interest: Support limited government. The URP needs to recalibrate why it exists and its role in behalf of nobler objectives. read more

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SB 54: It’s Time to Trust The Marketplace of Ideas

While co-hosting KVNU’s For The People on April 20, and quite coincidentally and unintentionally, I found myself in the middle of a sparring match between two people I consider my friends – State Republican Party Chairman James Evans and State Senator Todd Weiler. The issue was the current legal challenge to Count My Vote. Senator Weiler believes the challenge has run its course. James Evans believes the fight must go on.

In full disclosure, though an opinion cemented after hearing my friends argue over the airwaves, I also believe the legal fight against Count My Vote has run its course. To continue the legal fight is a waste of time in my opinion and, much worse, a public relations nightmare. I will go so far to say that if the state Republican Party doesn’t drop this fight, its leadership should be replaced, sooner rather than later. At this point, the party is wrong and seems unable to see it. read more

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Choice plays big part in debate of Utah’s marijuana legalization

Choice is a strange master. At the Utah Legislature, it has led the push to incrementally legalize marijuana. This push does not come from Utah’s progressive left, but from its progressive right affiliated with the state Republican Party. Only in Utah will you find teetotalling Republicans who would, if they could, turn water into wine as a constitutional right.

Utah’s progressive right does not understand freedom, if smoking marijuana for the sake of choice is viewed as freedom. True freedom is a moral ecology — a delicate balance of human autonomy, a strong private culture of virtue and laws that reflect that culture. Utah’s progressive right has an incomplete understanding of this moral ecology. read more

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Healthy Utah is Not Obamacare and Conservatives Should Support It

As Governor Gary Herbert unveiled the Healthy Utah Plan to extend Medicaid eligibility to more of our neighbors in need he stated how “complex” this issue has become in the age of Obamacare.

These complexities now fall equally upon the good judgment of state legislators to discern. The ball is in their court.

How does a conservative state legislator wrap his mind around extending Medicaid eligibility even further? Perhaps I can help. I’m a conservative and I’m well familiar with policymaking. Conservatives must face some realities. As we did with state-based immigration reform, we need to get very practical. In that debate we first had to consider the rule of law. We needed to get the rule right before we could get the law right. A similar standard of analysis applies to the Healthy Utah Plan in extending Medicaid eligibility beyond current levels, especially inside the crazy world of Obamacare. We need to correctly understand the context of the governor’s proposal to correctly discern its sound application. read more

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Obama and Utah on the Same Page

The congressional answer to President Obama’s recent immigration proposal should be to adopt it. Utah did. Utah even went further than President Obama. Utah’s conservative Legislature and governor did what President Obama has proposed on immigration. Consider it a high compliment to this state.

If you believe in freedom, if you are an authentic conservative, you should support this proposal. In fact, you may have already. Seven in 10 Utahns support the Utah Compact. There is no difference between the spirit of the Utah Compact and what has been proposed. read more

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It’s Time to Get Utah Out of the Marriage Business

There are literally hundreds of policies that could now be implemented on the basis of full and equal rights for gays and lesbians. What’s to stop it all?

Indeed, there’s nothing to stop it after the madness of accepting the reasoning that the definition of marriage includes any claim by two or more consenting adults. Indeed, even the future of polygamy is now unbridled under the law.

Actually, there is one policy that can stop the madness now that the definition of marriage is subject to the tragedy of commons and rendered meaningless: It could be time for Utah to get out of the marriage business completely. If marriage can mean anything and if there really is no credible research suggesting significant benefits to men, women and children, ipso facto, there is no state interest in marriage. So why not get out of the marriage business? read more

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Stop Modern Bullies with RFRA

Hate is not a family value. Neither is family a hate value. But a new generation of modern bullies would have every Utahn believe that devout people of faith — dedicated to their families and the common good of society — are bigots. During the 2015 legislative session, Utah’s leaders have a great opportunity to throw cold water on these bullies by passing a state Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA).

Deseret News

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Six Doctrines of Freedom

There is a truism in some religious circles: Teaching doctrine changes behavior better than teaching behavior changes behavior. My business at Sutherland Institute is to teach freedom and Ive long believed that freedom has doctrines just like a religion.

So here is my attempt to share with you some doctrines of freedom.

First, freedom has context.

Second, freedom requires a conscious choice to place family at the center of society.

Third, a culture of marriage is vital to freedom.

Fourth, freedom requires citizens to elevate civil society. read more

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