Category Archives: Video Commentaries

Utah Conversations with Ted Capener: Unworthy

Interview regarding Mero’s latest book, Unworthy: An Autobiography of the Imposter.

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Power Play: PAC Gives Scorecards

On Fox News show Power Play with Chris Stirewalt discussing presidential candidate rankings from Leadership Project for America.

Fox News

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First Freedoms Forum at Thanksgiving Point

What is the state interest in marriage? Why does the state even care about who marries who? What is marriage? Why are so-called “nondiscrimination” bills a threat to first freedoms such as freedom of speech and religion? Sutherland Institute President Paul Mero answers these and other questions in his address at the First Freedoms Forum at Thanksgiving Point. [Note: After my separation from Sutherland Institute on August 15, 2014, all of my work posted online throughout my 14 years there was “bleached” without explanation from the Institute website. This was among them.] read more

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Boy Scouts, Gays and the Mormon Church

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Closing Remarks (partial), Sutherland Institute’s Immigration Debate

[Note: After my separation from Sutherland Institute on August 15, 2014, all of my work posted online throughout my 14 years there was “bleached” without explanation from the Institute website. This was among them. What you see here was posted independently by someone in attendance that evening.]

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The Natural Family: A Manifesto (book forum at The Heritage Foundation)

Allan Carlson and Paul Mero talked about their book, The Natural Family: A Manifesto. They discussed the meaning and importance of family and how it has changed over the years. They argued that the idea of family is in crisis and provided ways to preserve what they feel is the natural family. After their presentation they responded to audience members’ questions.


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