Monthly Archives: October 2014

It’s Time to Get Utah Out of the Marriage Business

There are literally hundreds of policies that could now be implemented on the basis of full and equal rights for gays and lesbians. What’s to stop it all?

Indeed, there’s nothing to stop it after the madness of accepting the reasoning that the definition of marriage includes any claim by two or more consenting adults. Indeed, even the future of polygamy is now unbridled under the law.

Actually, there is one policy that can stop the madness now that the definition of marriage is subject to the tragedy of commons and rendered meaningless: It could be time for Utah to get out of the marriage business completely. If marriage can mean anything and if there really is no credible research suggesting significant benefits to men, women and children, ipso facto, there is no state interest in marriage. So why not get out of the marriage business? read more

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Stop Modern Bullies with RFRA

Hate is not a family value. Neither is family a hate value. But a new generation of modern bullies would have every Utahn believe that devout people of faith — dedicated to their families and the common good of society — are bigots. During the 2015 legislative session, Utah’s leaders have a great opportunity to throw cold water on these bullies by passing a state Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA).

Deseret News

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