Monthly Archives: April 2011

Bullies and Discipline

It seems as if the problem of bullies runs deeper than we think. I’m Paul Mero. I’ll be right back.

Within the past week there have been two incidents, both at the fast-food restaurant McDonald’s for some reason, where a group of kids assaulted another kid. In one case, an adult, who tried to intervene, was shot dead. These stories are being attributed to bullies and, I suppose each case, and others like them, could be seen as bullying. My guess is that both of these extreme cases are actually gang related. Even the youngest kids, now, are becoming dragged into gangs. read more

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The Poison of Extremism

Harsh tone and style define new right-wing extremism in Utah.

Sutherland Institute

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Mormons and the ACLU

This week I want to talk about Mormons and the ACLU.  University of Utah President Michael Young, a descendant of Brigham Young, spoke at rival Brigham Young University about the importance of religious freedom and suggested that all Latter-day Saints should be members of the American Civil Liberties Union.  For the left-leaning editors at the Salt Lake Tribune that pronouncement was front-page news.  At the Deseret News, it was at the very end of a broader story.

It’s incredible news that anyone of President Young’s stature would believe, let alone say publicly, that Mormons should join the ACLU.  If we lined up 100 legal issues that the ACLU has worked on I could assure you that very few would support any official position taken by the LDS Church. read more

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