Monthly Archives: January 2011

Punishment is misguided, and Utah lacks authority

The following speech was delivered as part of a debate Friday night, Jan. 21, 2011, sponsored by the Sutherland Institute, a Salt Lake City-based conservative think tank. The debate addressed the question of whether Utah should enforce immigration laws. Paul Mero is president of Sutherland.

Provo Herald

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Closing Remarks (partial), Sutherland Institute’s Immigration Debate

[Note: After my separation from Sutherland Institute on August 15, 2014, all of my work posted online throughout my 14 years there was “bleached” without explanation from the Institute website. This was among them. What you see here was posted independently by someone in attendance that evening.]

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McAdams Neglect Legislation

This week I have more thoughts on nanny state nonsense.  State Senator Ben McAdams from Salt Lake City has announced that he’ll sponsor a bill making it a crime to leave a child alone in a car.  His bill would make a parent criminally negligent for endangerment of a child.

While you’re soaking that in, let’s go over his motive.  Last year, in 2010, 49 children died as a result of being left unattended in a car.  We can presume that those deaths occurred on hot summer days.  That number of children – 49 – was a nationwide number.  Forty-nine kids, out of over 100 million of them, died.  Of course, just one death is sad.  But I’m wondering if 49 deaths out of a possible 100 million, none of those deaths in Utah last year, is the sort of compelling reason to move a new law? read more

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